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Carer Recognition Award – South East

Each quarter our South East region honour one of our Foster Carers individually. This is never an easy task. We want to share some words from Francis Kelly, Supervising Social Worker for MARK KEES.
It’s really hard to know where to start with talking about Mark – he is really extraordinary. His care of the young child who was with him for 3 years was truly exceptional. The challenges he faced on a daily basis, were above and beyond that which most foster carers might expect or be prepared for. But Mark was relentless and unwavering in his total commitment and love of the child he was caring for, and despite being a single carer, he refused to ever take a break. His life was completely dedicated to doing everything he could to give his child as many positive experiences (inside and outside the home) as he could. Because of this, we witnessed the remarkable progress that the young child made. Mark was also relentless in advocating for the right educational opportunities and other services, and he persisted when he was met with negative reactions to his genuinely heart led and intelligently considered efforts. Watching Mark with his child was like watching a love story – it was the kind of relationship we always hope to see between foster carers and children. So, Mark we want to honour you publicly with this (and personally) with this recognition award. Enjoy your flowers
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Fusion Fostering Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07819299 whose registered office is at Old Mill, Maltravers House, Petters Way, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1SH.

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