South Central latest Ofsted report
South Central was rated as Good for their latest Ofsted report. By Ofsted's definition,...
Read more...Fusion is working hard to ensure we have safe and robust plans in place to minimise any disruption should anyone come into contact with the Coronavirus. We understand that the announcement of additional cases throughout the UK may cause concern but we want to reassure everyone that we are continuing to work closely with Public Health England, the NHS and all our health and care partners to prevent further spread of the virus.
We can all play a part to reduce the outbreak of Coronavirus by keeping calm and take simple steps such as washing your hands regularly.
Symptoms of coronavirus:
The new Coronavirus may not show any sign of infection for many days. Most people who become infected will experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others, particularly the elderly or those with underlying health conditions.
If you experience a high temperature or a new persistent cough, the NHS advice is for you to stay at home for 7 days. If your symptoms do not improve or you find that you cannot handle your symptoms at home, then call 111 for advice and support. Do not attend your GP or hospital.
Precautions to take:
We can all do our bit to limit the spread of the virus and stay safe.
Please be respectful of one and other and stay safe.
Please check the GOV.UK and NHS websites for the latest updates and guidance:
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South Central latest Ofsted report
South Central was rated as Good for their latest Ofsted report. By Ofsted's definition,...
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