Caring for your Future
Thinking of Fostering? 03301 239 355



Walking in my shoes…

“I’m not 17, wanna be 18 so I can go out like my friends to bars and make plans. Life for me in my shoes is hard. I don’t like college but gotta stay. can’t work cause I’m too young.  I’ve had help with my eating disorder its working well. I have knots in my tummy when I get anxious. I feel sick and I panic so better if I don’t eat sometimes. My dad drinks a lit, my mum just gives me money to get me out the house, don’t think they wanted me. my brother is in the army, don’t see him. much. I don’t like myself. I don’t think sometimes why I bother getting up, but I have a true friend called Charlie, she is lovely and I love her family. One day i want to move out and travel nice places. Thank you for listening” – Grace aged 17


Choosing to become a foster carer is a life-changing experience, but it can be one of the most  rewarding careers out there. When you choose to become a foster carer, you are choosing to make a difference, to help and support a disadvantaged young person and to give back to society. You are giving someone a chance at a new life, where they are cared for, supported in their development and most importantly, safe. It is a huge responsibility to take on, but our team of carers find the benefits of the role make it all worthwhile. We have a fantastic team and group of carers in the south east covering the following areas.

C3B Knoll Business Centre
325 – 327 Old Shoreham Road

Call: 01273 056788
Regional Manager: Fiona Hutchinson



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Fusion Fostering Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07819299 whose registered office is at Old Mill, Maltravers House, Petters Way, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1SH.

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