Caring for your Future
Thinking of Fostering? 03301 239 355


  • We help foster carers gain a better and more meaningful understanding of their role.
  • We establish a positive framework of values to promote good outcomes for children and young people.
  • We encourage foster carers to take responsibility for their own professional development through their individual training profiles.

Why choose us?

Our passion is supporting children alongside the amazing individuals and families who open up their lives to care for them.

Becoming a foster carer

Fusion Fostering recognises that the decision to foster is one of the biggest life changes you will make. Becoming a foster carer is a lifestyle choice that needs to include the whole family. Taking the time to give your loved ones the opportunity to explore what it will mean for them, ask questions and discuss any reservations is important.

Being a foster parent is rewarding – but it can also be challenging. Some young people need additional support in their foster home. That’s why we employ professionals, both internally and externally, to support you, your family and the young person.

Is this the right time?

Think about why you want to foster and why this is now the right time. Do you have the support of your immediate and wider family? Fostering in many ways is a lifestyle choice and impacts upon all those involved often in ways you may not have considered. A good agency will explore these issues in depth and assist you to ensure it is the right decision and the right time.

Choosing the right agency

It will come as no great surprise that quality organisations reflect the quality people that work and develop them. What are your first impressions of the welcome you receive? Are your questions and concerns answered fully and with clarity? How comfortable do you feel at each stage of the process with both the people and ethos? Is the agency well structured, organised, professional and knowledgeable? Are they honest, open and realistic with the capacity to work at your pace?

Are they positioned to offer you close support and how is this delivered? Do they have a good reputation? Is there access to current carers who can share their experiences of the agency? Do they share and ignite your passion for fostering? Are they working closely with a range of local authorities through regular arrangements? Remember that it’s the local authorities that commission the services of the agency you are considering. Be wise – get a feel for a couple of agencies, as it helps to make some informed comparisons.

If you would like to chat to us about the next steps, or have a question about anything related to fostering, there are three ways to get in contact with us. Give us a call on 03301 239 355, send us an email to or fill out out contact form below!

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Fusion Fostering Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales with company number 07819299 whose registered office is at Old Mill, Maltravers House, Petters Way, Yeovil, Somerset, BA20 1SH.

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